For 2024 TriO Eventi is organizing the Social Race project with the aim of encouraging the participation of teams in TriO Events with their own social competition.

The TriO events that can be participated in this way are:

  • Milan Deejay TRI Olympic or Sprint (June 1st-2nd, 2024)
  • TriO Senigallia Olympic or Sprint (July 13th-14th, 2024)
  • Swimtheisland Golfo dell'Isola / Short 1800 m or Classic 3200 m (September 5th-6th, 2024)

For the teams that decide to participate in these events with the social competition of their team, a special moment will be dedicated, on the occasion of the official competition awards, managed by our speakers in collaboration with a representative of the relative sports club, with trophies and medals produced by the organization.

The offer is valid for the participation of athletes from the same team. The number of trophies offered is calculated as follows:

  • from 10 to 20 athletes: 2 trophies (1st man and 1st woman)
  • over 20 athletes: 6 trophies (1st, 2nd, 3rd man; 1st, 2nd, 3rd woman)

The ranking can be defined on parameters or coefficients indicated by the team, not exclusively on the arrival time, but must be previously agreed with TriO.

Before proceeding with the team registration, within 40 DAYS before the chosen race, contact the TriO Office at the email address indicating your willingness to participate in one of our events as a social race and specifying, approximately, how many athletes will participate and at what distance.

To proceed with team registration it is necessary to register via the portal

It is possible for a group leader to proceed with all registrations or to proceed individually.

In the first case, you can use the "Group registration" function to register a group

of at least 5 people, pay with the traditional bank transfer payment method and fixed commission costs of € 5.00.